The purpose of S2 is to create a system that provides microfinancing services to the un-banked population by building a virtual shopping mall and by delivering its financing services in a reliable and convenient manner to the consumers. The Virtual Shopping Mall itself comprises a large number of merchant accounts, who are able to provide their products and services to the clients through a web-based frontend, mobile frontend client applications, all backed by a fully functional payment system with complete implementation of microfinancing account management. The Mall provides flexible management capabilities to all merchants selling their products and services through it and thus enables the detailed collection of business intelligence and marketing data through the system. The payment system provides reliable and secure management of clients’ virtual microfinancing accounts, extensive reporting capabilities and accounting of the whole process both in relation to the merchants and the consumers using the system. Both, the Mall and the payment system provide an extensible API and thus ease the integration with the systems of the merchants where they are available.